Hello! I’m Stephan.

Senior Android Developer Platform Lead

I am a Senior Android Developer especially interested in delivering large-scale, high-quality Android projects. My past projects allowed me to drive innovation and quality in apps with hundreds of thousands of daily users. I am passionate about improving best practices for developers and work on the system architecture. Working with cross-functional teams and being involved from ideation to delivery is something I enjoy.

From March 2024 I am available as a freelance Android developer (Android Freelancer).

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Picture of a MacBook on a table


My professional journey for Android began in 2014, leading to a specialization in Android and Kotlin as my areas of expertise. Throughout my career, I have worked in a variety of roles, with a focus on mobile development and some ventures into web and backend development.

Additionally, I am working on the fitloxx app, a project that started as a side project and is now a fully functional and monetized gym tracking app. If you want to take a look, you can do so in the Google Play Store (→ fitloxx) or read more about the technical details in the Projects section below.

One of my current focuses is working with Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP), formerly known as Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM), which I believe has the potential to be a dominant player in mobile cross-platform development in the future.

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University of Hamburg
Master of Science Computer Science (MSc)
Architecture and Design of IT Systems (AGIS) & Complex Distributed Systems (KVS)
Leuphana University Lüneburg
Bachelor of Science Computer Science (BSc)
Applied Computer Science



Gym Tracking App for Android

My workout tracking app with advanced data insights that is used all over the world.

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Hamburg ⚓