Android Platform Lead

Otto GmbH & Co KG


Quick Facts
Main Tasks
  • Drive bigger architecture refactorings and developer experience
  • Planning and consultation with feature development teams
  • Responsibility for further development of tech roadmap together with the team
  • Build up Android platform team
  • Moderation of Android platform meetings
  • Recruiting interviews (general & technical interviews)
  • Automation of development best practices & rules
    • Mainly via detekt & lint
    • Reduction of developer errors for certain architecture and reactive patterns
    • Made refactoring needs more transparent
    • Responsibility for planning & partially execution
  • Refactoring of integration test setup
    • Refactoring of complete test setup from espresso to kaspresso with additional layer to reduce flaky test count
    • Decreased test CI runtimes from 45min to 15 min
    • Result:
      • Minimized flakiness & improvement of success rate from 60% to 99%
  • Implementation of new OAuth authentication via PKCE flow
    • Responsibility for planning & most of the execution
  • Android
    • Architecture: MVVM
    • Coroutines Dagger2 detekt Espresso Glide Jetpack Compose JUnit Kaspresso Koin Kotlin lint MockK Moshi OkHttp Retrofit Robolectric RxJava2
  • Other
    • CircleCI Docker Elastic
    • AWS:
      • CloudFormation CloudWatch DynamoDB EC2 Lambda S3